Introduction to the Theory & Practice of Histological Staining Webinar
UK NEQAS Cellular Pathology Technique (CPT)
11/02/2025 - 12/02/2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Introduction to the Theory & Practice of Histological Staining Webinar
This Introduction to the Theory & Practice of Histological Staining Webinar provides a basic introduction and training in the theory and practice of tinctorial staining techniques used in diagnostic Cellular Pathology laboratories, including Haematoxylin and Eosin stained sections together with the special staining techniques. Utilises presentations, hands on and discussion-based sessions Be able to:- Recognise a well stained H&E
- Understand the advantages, disadvantages and use of haematoxylins made with different mordants
- Understand the process of progressive and regressive staining
- Understand principles of H&E staining and its diagnostic value
- Understand how to monitor the quality of H&E staining
- Identify and assess special stains
- Recognise section artefacts, how they are caused and how they may be eliminated or minimised
- Understand the classification and molecular structure of dyes
- Understand the rationale of dye staining mechanisms and associated problems
Paul Scorer, UK NEQAS CPT Education CoordinatorVENUE
- Participants: £100 + VAT
- External: £155 + VAT
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