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UK NEQAS provides External Quality Assessment/Proficiency Testing for all major aspects of clinical laboratory testing. To find the programme(s) to match your EQA/PT requirements please use the search function below.
Showing Results: 406 - 420 out of 432
Toxoplasma Serology
Detection of Toxoplasma IgG/total antibodies, Toxoplasma IgM or Toxoplasma IgG avidity
Training, Assessment and Competency Tool (TACT)
|Blood Transfusion Laboratory Practice
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
|Cellular Pathology Technique (CPT)
To support proactive identification and correction of issues, and assist in quality improvement for surgical samples to ensure best practice in TEM techniques and analysis.
Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) PD-L1 IHC *Pilot*
|Immunocytochemistry & In-Situ Hybridisation
|Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA)
Allergy and Immunodeficiency EQA scheme
Tumour content and cellularity of the tissue samples
|Genomics (GenQA)
Tumour Markers (CA Series)
|Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA)
Oncology EQA scheme
Type III Procollagen Peptide (PIIINP)
|Edinburgh Peptide Hormones
Ultrasensitive C-Reactive Protein
|Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA)
Immunochemistry EQA scheme
Ultrasensitive PSA
|Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA)
Urinary Antigens
To provide EQA for laboratories determining the presence of Legionellla pneumophila (serogroup 1) and Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens in urine
Urinary Catecholamines & Metabolites
|Clinical Chemistry (Birmingham Quality)
Assessment of analytical bias and its consistency across time
Urinary hCG (Qualitative and Quantitative)
|Edinburgh Peptide Hormones
Urine Chemistries
|Clinical Chemistry (Birmingham Quality)
Assessment of analytical bias and its consistency across time
Urine Dipsticks
|Clinical Chemistry (Birmingham Quality)
Assessment of analytical bias and its consistency across time