Benefits to Participants

The primary role of UK NEQAS is educational. We are committed to supporting a culture of continuous quality improvement within UK NEQAS and our participants. Our educational role is achieved by
- Highlighting best practice, common errors or poor practice, up-to-date guidance and clinically relevant performance issues.
- Allowing participants to compare their assay performance across time, across method, across networks.
- Publicising current international professional guidance and standards for our participants.
- Providing access to experienced scientific staff for advice and assistance
- Hosting multiple annual scientific meetings focusing on best practice and latest developments within clinical pathology
- Collaborating with industry, and both UK and non-UK professional societies.
- Being involved in the production of UK and international guidelines
However it is the mission of UK NEQAS is to ensure the provision of an appropriate, responsive & high standard of EQA to clinical laboratories by providing them with:
- An assessment of intra and inter laboratory performance
- The relative performance of available kits and methods
- Factors associated with good and poor performance
- A tool to monitor and improve the between-laboratory agreement
This provides participants with greater confidence in the results they are issuing to clinicians, helps you give a safe and effective clinical outcome for patients and improves to the quality of care provided to patients.