Benefits to the Public

Why Should Members of the Public want their Laboratory to Participate in UK NEQAS Services?
The UK NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours. This means that as individuals the chances that we or a family member will rely on form of health care over a 12 months period are very high.
- 95% of clinical pathways relying on patients having access to pathology services
- 70% of all diagnoses relying on pathology results
- Therefore high quality pathology services form an essential part of modern healthcare
- UK NEQAS focuses on tests which make a difference to patient care. We cover tests for the entire disease spectrum from cancer to autoimmunity, from blood transfusion to transplantation, from genetic diseases to allergy
- UK NEQAS educate laboratories with clinically relevant case studies
- UK NEQAS shares best practice with all stakeholders
- UK NEQAS helps laboratories achieve accreditation and harmonised quality
- UK NEQAS provides quality assessment independently of accreditation bodies