Dr. Rachel Marrington

- Deputy Director and Consultant Clinical Scientist, Birmingham Quality
Dr. Rachel Marrington has been part of UK NEQAS since June 2016 and has been the Deputy Director and Consultant Clinical Scientist of Birmingham Quality, the largest of the UK NEQAS Chemistry Centres, since June 2017. Rachel completed a placement as part of her Clinical Scientist training at Birmingham Quality where she was instrumental in setting up the Urine Chemistries and Urine Dipstick Schemes, eventually becoming Organiser of these, and other Schemes in 2017.
Prior to working in EQA Rachel spent 12 years working in a large Clinical Biochemistry/Blood Sciences laboratory where she worked her way to Principal Clinical Scientist. She gained her FRCPath in 2010.
Rachel recently took over as Organiser of the Antimicrobial Schemes in 2019 which provides a bridge into the Microbiology division and she currently sits on the Board of Trustees as a Clinical Chemistry nominee and as liaison with the UK NEQAS Working Groups.
Rachel is the incoming Secretary of EQALM, the European Association of EQA Providers in Laboratory Medicine and is their nominee for the EFLM Pre analytical WGs. This fits in with Rachel's interest in Pre- and Post- Analytical Quality, including Serum Indices, which contribute more to the error budget than analytical measurements themselves.