About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Blood Coagulation was relocated in 1993 to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital under Professor Eric Preston and following his retirement, subsequently came under the Directorship of Professor Isobel Walker. In 1975 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Blood Coagulation. UK NEQAS BC is part of the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Activated Protein C Resistance Assay
Antithrombin Antigen and Activity Assays
Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) Assay (Pilot)
Factor II, V, VII VIII, IX, X, XI, XII Assays
Plasminogen Assay
Protein C Antigen and Activity Assay
Protein S Activity Assay
Protein S Total and Free Antigen Assay
Von Willebrand Factor Antigen: Assay
VWF:CB (collagen-binding) Assay
VWF:RCo (activity) Assay
Other Blood Coagulation Modules
ADAMTS13 Assays
DOAC Assays
Emicizumab Assays
FIX Treatment Monitoring
FVIII Treatment Monitoring
FXIII Assays
Genetics of Heritable Bleeding and Thrombotic disorders
HIT Screening/Assays
Homocysteine Assays
Lupus Anticoagulant Screening/Assay
Molecular Genetics of Thrombophilia Testing (Factor V Leiden)
Quantitative Factor VIII Inhibitor
Point of Care/Near Patient Testing
Activated Clotting Time (ACT)
CoaguChek XS, CoaguChek XS Plus, CoaguChek XS Pro & Pro II (PT/INR)
POCT D-dimer
Thromboelastometry and Thromboelastography
Screening Tests
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
Fibrinogen Evaluation (Clauss method)
Heparin Assay (HA) - anti-Xa
Heparin Dosage Assessment (HDA) by APTT
Prothrombin Time (PT)/INR (Venous/Capillary methods)
Prothrombin Time for Diagnosis (PT/Diagnostic) (PTD)
Thrombin Time (TT)
Contact Details
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- 3rd Floor Pegasus House
- 463A Glossop Rd
- Sheffield
- S10 2QD
Blood Coagulation
- Telephone: +44 (0) 114 267 3300
- Fax: +44 (0) 114 267 3309
- Email: neqas@coageqa.org.uk
- Web: http://www.ukneqasbc.org/
About this centre
UK NEQAS for Blood Transfusion Laboratory Practice (BTLP) is the expert centre within the UK National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) for all aspects of EQA relating to blood transfusion pre-transfusion and diagnostic testing, with around 300 UK and 700 international registrations and a further 2000 individual members in our web-based training and competency assessment tool (TACT). UK NEQAS BTLP provides EQA services for pre-transfusion testing, feto-maternal haemorrhage and ABO titration, with pilot schemes in progress for direct antiglobulin testing and red cell genotyping. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
ABO Titration (ABOT)
ABO Titration
Direct Antiglobulin Testing (DAT)
Detection of cells coated with C3d
Detection of cells coated with IgG
Extended Red Cell Phenotyping (ERP)
Extended Red Cell Phenotyping (ERP)
Fetomaternal Haemorrhage (FMH)
FMH Quantification
FMH Screening
Other BTLP Modules
Training, Assessment and Competency Tool (TACT)
Pilot Modules
Antenatal Antibody Titration (ANT)
Red Cell Genotyping
Point of Care D Typing
RhD typing
Pre-Transfusion Testing (PTT)
ABO & D Grouping
Antibody Identification
Antibody Screening
Rh and K Phenotyping
Contact Details
- PO Box 14
- Watford
- WD18 0FJ
Blood Transfusion Laboratory Practice
- Telephone: +44 (0) 1923 587111
- Fax: +44 (0) 1923 397 397
- Email: btlp@ukneqas.org.uk
- Web: https://www.ukneqasbtlp.org/
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Cardiac Markers was founded in 1997 by Mr Alan Reid at Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow. In 2002 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Cardiac Markers. UK NEQAS CM is part of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Contact Details
- Level 1 (Room B/046)
- Laboratory Medicine & Facilities Management Building
- Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
- 1345 Govan Road
- Glasgow
- G51 4TF
Cardiac Markers
- Telephone: +44 (0) 141 440 2888
- Fax: +44 (0) 141 440 1274
- Email: info@ukneqas-cm.org.uk
- Web: http://www.ukneqas-cm.org.uk/
About this centre
UK NEQAS Cellular Pathology Technique (CPT) is an international organisation providing a comprehensive range of EQA and proficiency testing programmes for all aspects of tissue diagnostics. The result of many years of evolution and development in the field of Cellular Pathology Technical EQA and proficiency testing, UK NEQAS CPT provide a secure and established set of Schemes, with a first-class reputation and an extensive and stable participant base. UK NEQAS CPT has been successfully running for 30 years, encompassing EQA and proficiency testing programmes, education and support for all practicing clinical and non-clinical pathology based facilities in the UK and across the globe. Accredited to International Standards, UK NEQAS CPT is UKAS accredited proficiency testing provider No. 8268. Our aim is to ensure that all our participants receive high quality, appropriate, clinically relevant and challenging samples that fully meet their facility’s requirements; and that our assessment of those samples is consistent, carried out by qualified assessors, graded and anonymously compared and peer reviewed. Our participating laboratories in over 40 countries, collectively submit over 20, 000 patient samples per annum, to be graded by our experts, to guide and to ensure best practice and gold standard results for participating laboratories and patient care. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Bone Marrow Trephine Biopsy (BMT)
Diagnostic Cytopathology
Diagnostic Cytopathology Cell Block EQA Scheme
Digital Diagnostic Ultrastructural Pathology (Pilot)
Digital Interpretative Diagnostic Cytopathology
Digital Pathology Imaging (Pilot)
Direct Immunofluorescence (DIF)
Frozen Section (Companion Scheme to Specialist Techniques & Neuropathology)
Mega Block (Companion Scheme to Specialist Techniques & Neuropathology)
Mohs' Procedure
Muscle Histochemistry
Neuropathology (Cellular Pathology)
Renal Biopsy Pathology
Specialist Techniques
Tissue Diagnostics
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Contact Details
- Haylofts
- St. Thomas Street
- Haymarket
- Newcastle
- NE1 4LE
Cellular Pathology Technique (CPT)
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 816 1030
- Email: cpt@ukneqas.org.uk
- Web: https://www.ukneqascpt.org/modules
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Clinical Chemistry Birmingham was founded in 1969 by Professor Tom Whitehead at Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham. In 1969 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Clinical Chemistry Birmingham. UK NEQAS Birmingham is part of the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Antibiotic Assays
Antifungal Panel
Clinical Chemistry
Faecal Haemoglobin
Faecal Markers
Faecal Pancreatic Elastase
Glycated Haemoglobins
Interpretative Comments in Clinical Chemistry
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies
Lipid Investigations
Mk-4 at endogenous conecentrations in human serum
MK-7 at endogenous concentrations in human serum
Newborn Screening
Paediatric Bilirubin
Quantitative Amino Acids
Serum Indices (HIL)
Specific Proteins
Steroid Hormones
Sweat Testing
Thyroid Hormones
Total Bile Acids
Tox and TDM
Urinary Catecholamines & Metabolites
Urine Chemistries
Urine Dipsticks
Vitamin Assays (Carotene, Vitamin A & E)
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Contact Details
- UK NEQAS Birmingham Quality
- Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre
- PO Box 3909
- Birmingham
- B15 2UE
Clinical Chemistry (Birmingham Quality)
- Telephone: +44 (0) 121 414 7300
- Email: birminghamquality@uhb.nhs.uk
- Web: https://birminghamquality.org.uk
About this centre
For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Liver Fibrosis Markers (Pilot)
Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) Score
FIB-4 Score
Hyaluronic Acid
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase I (TIMP-I)
Type III Procollagen Peptide (PIIINP)
Maternal Serum Screening
1st Trimester (Down's syndrome and Trisomies T13 and T18)
1st Trimester (Down's syndrome using dried blood spots)
2nd Trimester (Down's syndrome)
2nd Trimester (Neural tube defects)
Peptide I
FSH, LH, AMH, Prolactin and Growth Hormone
Peptide II
PTH, ACTH and Calcitonin
Pre-eclampsia Markers (PILOT)
Placental Growth Factor (PLGF)
SFlt-1: PLGF ratio
Pregnancy Testing
Urinary hCG (Qualitative and Quantitative)
Tumour Markers
AFP, CEA and hCG
Contact Details
- UK NEQAS (Edinburgh)
- NHS Lothian
- Department of Laboratory Medicine
- The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
- Edinburgh
- EH16 4SA
Edinburgh Peptide Hormones
- Telephone: +44 (0) 131 242 6885
- Fax: +44 (0) 131 242 6882
- Email: ukneqas@ed.ac.uk
- Web: http://edqas.org/
About this centre
GenQA (Genomics Quality Assessment) provides external quality assessment (EQA) / proficiency testing (PT) to the genomics community worldwide. GenQA EQAs cover the entire clinical genomics service from patient counselling, sample preparation, testing processes, results interpretation and reporting. Laboratories and individual clinicians have access to more than 100 unique EQAs available for a range of rare and inherited disorders and acquired diseases. Please click here for an overview of GenQA For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Clinical Genetics & Genetic Counselling
Cardiovascular disorders *
Dysmorphology *
Genetic counselling (Pilot)
Monogenic disorders *
Oncogenetic disorders *
Genomic and Inherited Disorders (suitable for both cytogenomic and/or molecular testing)
Chromosome breakage syndromes
Disorders of Sex Development (DSD)
Hypotonic Infant
Imprinting disorders
Postnatal constitutional copy number variants (CNV) detection
Severe Developmental delay
Genomic and Inherited Disorders (suitable for cytogenetic testing only)
Microdeletion syndromes *
Postnatal karyotyping
Genomic and Inherited Disorders (suitable for molecular testing only)
Ataxia, including Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP)
Calcium disorders (Pilot)
Cardiac disorders
Charcot Marie Tooth disease and related sensory and motor neuropathies
Cystic fibrosis and CFTR-related disorders
Epilepsy disorders
Eye disorders
Familial Colorectal Cancer and Polyposis
Familial Endocrine tumour predisposition disorders
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
Fragile X Syndrome and FMR1-related disorders
Gastrohepatology disorders
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer disorders (HBOC)
Huntington disease and DRPLA
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Linkage analysis
Mitochondrial disease
Muscular dystrophies
Neurodegenerative disorders
Neurofibromatosis and rasopathies
Primary Immunodeficiency disorders (PID)
Renal disorders
Respiratory disorders
Skeletal Dysplasias
Haematological Neoplasms
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL)
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) IGHV mutation status
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) TP53 analysis
Haematological Technical FISH
Lymphoma Technical NGS (Pilot)
Myeloid disorders
Individual Competency Assessment
Covid-19 Care Home Swabbing
Covid-19 Direct LAMP assay
Covid-19 High throughput Direct RT-LAMP assay
Covid-19 Laboratory Testing
Covid-19 LamPORE assay
Molecular Newborn Screening
Molecular testing for cystic fibrosis (CF)
Molecular testing for Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD)
Molecular testing for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) (Pilot)
Molecular Pathology
BRCA testing for ovarian and prostate cancer - somatic
BRCA testing for ovarian, breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer - germline
BRCA testing in prostate cancer – cfDNA (Pilot)
Breast Cancer - Tumour expression profiling (Pilot)
Breast cancer (PIK3CA testing) (Pilot)
Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumours
Colorectal cancer - core
Colorectal cancer - Extended MMR
Colorectal cancer - mismatch repair (MMR)
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GIST)
Lung cancer - circulating free (cf) DNA in lung cancer *
Lung cancer - comprehensive
Lung cancer - core
Lung cancer - EGFR
Lung cancer - fusions
Microsatellite Instability (MSI)
Molecular Tissue identification
NTRK fusions
Renal tumours (Pilot)
Thyroid cancer (Pilot)
Molecular Pathology (individual Competency Assessment, educational only)
Tumour content and cellularity of the tissue samples
Aminoglycoside Induced deafness
Prediction of 5-Fluorouracil Toxicity (DPYD)
Prediction of Thiopurine toxicity (TPMT) (Pilot)
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
PGT for aneuploidies
PGT for blastomere FISH (Stages 1 and 2)
PGT for monogenic disorders (Stage 1)
PGT for monogenic disorders (Stage 2)
PGT for structural rearrangements
Reproductive Genetics
Abnormal ultrasound with follow up testing (Pilot)
Maternal cell contamination (MCC) and fetal sexing
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) for aneuploidies *
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) for common microdeletions *
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) for sexing *
Pregnancy loss (Molecular methods and G-banding)
Prenatal constitutional copy number variant (CNV) detection
Prenatal karyotyping
Rapid prenatal testing for common aneuploidies
Sample Handling
DNA extraction from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue
DNA extraction from fresh frozen (FF) tissue *
DNA extraction from saliva *
DNA extraction from venous blood
DNA quantification *
Technical – Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) germline *
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) somatic - tumour testing only *
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) somatic - tumour with germline subtraction analysis *
Variant Classification & Interpretation (individual Competency Assessment, educational only)
BRCA and HRR gene variant classification
Variant Classification & Interpretation (nomenclature assessment suitable for cytogenomic interpretation)
ISCN Accuracy (Pilot)
Variant Classification & Interpretation (suitable for both molecular and cytogenomic interpretation)
Exome Sequencing Data Interpretation
Pathogenicity of germline postnatal copy number variants (CNV) (Pilot)
Pathogenicity of prenatal copy number variants (CNV) (Pilot)
Variant validation
Variant Classification & Interpretation
Pathogenicity of haematological neoplasm variants (Pilot)
Pathogenicity of somatic sequence variants (Pilot)
Variant Classification & Interpretation (suitable for molecular interpretation)
Pathogenicity of germline sequence variants (Classification only)
Pathogenicity of germline sequence variants (Classification & Interpretation)
Pathogenicity of RNA splicing variants (Pilot)
Viral Sequencing
SARS-CoV-2 sequencing (Pilot)
Contact Details
- GenQA (Edinburgh)
- Nine, Edinburgh Bioquarter
- Little France Road
- Edinburgh
- EH16 4UX
Genomics (GenQA)
- Telephone: +44 (0) 131 2426898
- Fax: +44 (0) 131 2426882
- Email: info@genqa.org
- Web: https://www.genqa.org/
- GenQA (Oxford)
- Level 1 The Women’s Centre
- John Radcliffe Hospital
- Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust
- Headley Way
- Oxford
- OX3 9DU
Genomics (GenQA)
- Telephone: +44 (0) 1865 220399
- Email: info@genqa.org
- Web: https://www.genqa.org/
About this centre
UK NEQAS Guildford Peptide Hormones is part of the Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Contact Details
- Clinical Laboratory
- Royal Surrey Hospital
- Egerton Road
- Guildford
- GU2 7XX
Guildford Peptide Hormones
- Telephone: +44 (0) 1483 571 122 ext. 3611
- Email: rsch.peptideeqa@nhs.net
- Web: https://www.ukneqasgphte.org.uk/
About this centre
UK NEQAS Haematology is the expert centre within the UK National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) for all aspects of Haematology diagnostic testing external quality assessment (EQA), with almost 5,000 UK and international registrations and a further 3,000 individual practitioners in our educational morphology programme. UK NEQAS Haematology provides a wide range of EQA services for automated cell counting, blood morphology, haemoglobinopathies and other inherited red cell disorders. Participants may select the combination that fits their laboratory profile, making the Scheme flexible and adaptable to participants’ needs. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Automated Counting & Related
Automated Differential Leucocyte Count
Component Monitoring (CM)
Full Blood Count (FBC)
Haemoglobin only
Infectious Mononucleosis
Plasma Viscosity
Reticulocyte Count
Abnormal Haemoglobins
DNA Diagnostics for Haemoglobinopathies
Liquid Newborn Haemoglobinopathy Screening
Newborn Sickle Screening
Sickle Screening only
Morphology Related
Blood Films for Morphology
Blood Parasite Screening and Identification (Haematology)
Cytochemistry: Haemosiderin Staining
Digital Blood Film Morphology for CPD
Manual WBC Differential Count
Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria
Red Cell Enzyme
G6PD Screen and Assay
Contact Details
- UK NEQAS Haematology
- West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- PO Box 14
- Watford
- WD18 0FJ
- Telephone: +44 (0) 1923 587111
- Fax: +44 (0) 1923 397 307
- Email: ghadmin@ukneqas.org.uk
- Web: https://www.ukneqash.org/
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics was founded in 1975 by Dr Heather Dicks and Dr Colin Entwistle at the National Tissue Typing and Reference Laboratory (NTTRL) based at Southmead Hospital in Bristol. In 1989 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics with Dr Peter Klouda as the service director and Mr Terry Ray as the service manager. The service relocated to a new host organisation in September 2000. UK NEQAS for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics is now part of the Welsh Blood Service. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Crossmatching by Flow Cytometry (Scheme 2B)
Cytotoxic Crossmatching (Scheme 2A)
DNA HLA Typing at 1st Field Resolution (Scheme 4A1)
DNA HLA Typing to 2nd or 3rd Field Resolution (Scheme 4A2)
Educational Cross Match (Scheme EDXM)
Educational Interpretive Clinical Scenarios (Scheme iED)
Educational Scheme (Scheme ED)
HFE Typing (Scheme 5A)
HLA Antibody Detection (Scheme 6)
HLA Antibody Specificity Analysis (Scheme 3)
HLA Genotyping for Coeliac and other HLA associated diseases (Scheme 8)
HLA Phenotyping (Scheme 1A)
HLA-B*57:01 Typing for Drug Hypersensitivity (Scheme 7)
HLA-B27 Testing (Scheme 1B)
HPA Antibody Detection/Specification (Scheme 11)
HPA Genotyping (Scheme 10)
Interpretative: HFE Genotype and Hereditary Haemochromatosis (Scheme 5B)
Interpretive HLA Genotype (Scheme 4A1i)
KIR Genotyping (Scheme 9)
Contact Details
- Welsh Blood Service
- Ely Valley Road
- Talbot Green
- CF72 9WB
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 144 362 2185
- Email: handi@ukneqas.org.uk
- Web: http://www.ukneqashandi.org.uk
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Immunocytochemistry was founded in 1985 by Mr Gerry Reynolds at Mount Vernon Hospital, Middlesex. In 1988 the Service was recognised by the UK Department of Health and from that time it became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Immunocytochemistry (UK NEQAS-ICC and later, when it incorporated in-situ hybridisation methods, as UKNEQAS ICC & ISH). For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Alimentary Tract Pathology (GIST)
Breast Pathology (HER2 IHC)
Breast Pathology (Hormonal Receptors ER & PR)
Breast Pathology (Hormonal Receptors ER only)
Gastric HER2 IHC
General Pathology
Lymphoid Pathology
Mismatch Repair (MMR) Proteins
Neuropathology (Immunocytochemistry & In-Situ Hybridisation)
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ALK IHC
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) PD-L1 IHC *Pilot*
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ROS1 IHC *Pilot*
Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) PD-L1 IHC *Pilot*
In-Situ Hybridisation
Breast HER2 ISH (Interpretive and Technical)
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ALK ISH *Pilot*
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ROS1 FISH *Pilot*
Contact Details
- 5 Coldbath Square
- London
- EC1R 5HL
Immunocytochemistry & In-Situ Hybridisation
- Telephone: +44 (0) 208 187 9174
- Email: info@ukneqasiccish.org
- Web: http://www.ukneqasiccish.org/
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA) was founded in 1982 by Dr Anthony Milford Ward at Northern General Hospital, Sheffield. In 1982 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy. UK NEQAS IIA is part of the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Allergy and Immunodeficiency
Allergen Component Testing
Allergen Specific IgE
Antibody to Fungal and Related Antigens
IgG Subclasses
Specific Microbial Antibodies
Total IgE
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies
ANCA/GBM Antibodies
Antibodies to Nuclear and Related Antigens
Bullous Dermatosis Antibodies
Coeliac Disease Antibodies
Diabetic Markers
Ganglioside Antibodies
General Autoimmune Serology
Interferon Gamma Release Assays (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) IGRA TB
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein IgM Antibodies (MAG)
Myositis Associated Antibodies
Paraneoplastic Antibodies
Phospholipase A2 Receptor Antibodies (PLA2R)
Phospholipid Antibodies
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Detection
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Isoenzymes
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin and Phenotype Identification
C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
C1 Esterase Inhibitor and Functional Complement Assays
CSF Haem Pigments
CSF IgG Oligoconal Bands
CSF Proteins and Biochemistry
CSF β2 Transferrin/Beta Trace Protein
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) (Pilot)
Point of Care C-Reactive Protein
Ultrasensitive C-Reactive Protein
β2 Microglobulin
Cryoproteins (image based)
Monoclonal Protein Identification
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Tumour Markers (CA Series)
Ultrasensitive PSA
Contact Details
- UK NEQAS Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- PO Box 894
- Sheffield
- S5 7YT
Immunology, Immunochemistry & Allergy (IIA)
- Telephone: +44 (0) 114 271 5715
- Email: ukneqas@immqas.org.uk
- Web: https://www.immqas.org.uk/
About this centre
LEUCOCYTE IMMUNOPHENOTYPING The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping was established by Professor David Barnett in 1986 at Northern General Hospital, Sheffield. In 1990 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping. UK NEQAS LI is part of the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The centre currently provides flow cytometry and molecular haematology based programmes. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Flow Cytometry
CD34+ Stem Cell Enumeration
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Immunophenotyping (Pilot)
Haematological Malignancy Bone Marrow Aspirate Assessment (Pilot)
Immune Monitoring
Leukaemia Diagnostic Interpretation (Part 2)
Leukaemia Immunophenotyping (Part 1)
Low Level Leucocyte Enumeration
Measurable Residual Disease for ALL by Flow Cytometry
Measurable Residual Disease for AML by Flow Cytometry (Pilot - Not Accredited)
Measurable Residual Disease for CLL by Flow Cytometry (Pilot - Not Accredited)
Measurable Residual Disease for Plasma Cell Myeloma by Flow Cytometry (Pilot - Not Accredited)
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria
BCR::ABL1 and AML Translocation Identification
BCR::ABL1 Kinase Domain Variant (Mutation) Status
BCR::ABL1 Major Quantification
BCR::ABL1 Minor Quantification
BRAF p.Val600Glu (V600E) Mutation Status for Hairy Cell Leukaemia
FLT3 Mutation Status
Ig/TCR Clonality Status
KIT p.Asp816Val (D816V) Mutation Status for Mast Cell Disease
Lymphoid Gene Panels (Pilot - Not Accredited)
Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma/Waldenström Macroglobulinaemia
Measurable Residual Disease for AML by Molecular Methods (Pilot - Not Accredited)
Measurable Residual Disease for Lymphoid Neoplasms by Molecular Methods (Pilot - Not Accredited)
Myeloid Gene Panels (Pilot - Not Accredited)
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Diagnostic Testing (Partially Accredited)
NPM1 Mutation Status
Paediatric Acute Leukaemia Translocations
Post-Stem Cell Transplant Chimerism Monitoring
Contact Details
- 4th Floor Pegasus House
- 463a Glossop Road
- Sheffield
- S10 2QD
Leucocyte Immunophenotyping
- Telephone: +44 (0) 114 267 3600
- Fax: +44 (0) 114 267 3601
- Email: admin@ukneqasli.co.uk
- Web: http://www.ukneqasli.co.uk/
About this centre
The first distribution of UK NEQAS for Microbiology was sent out by the then Public Health Laboratory Services on the 1st of May 1971 organised by Dr Peter Crone. This distribution consisted of one scheme, three bacteriology specimens, sent to 67 laboratories in the UK. One of our recent distributions consisted of 12 different schemes, comprising 8 bacteriology, 13 serology, 10 molecular and 9 mycology specimens, and sent to 53 countries representing over 1300 laboratories. UK NEQAS for Microbiology, operated by UK Health Security Agency, is a UKAS accredited proficiency testing provider No. 4715. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
AAFB Microscopy
Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Clostridioides Difficile (prev. Clostridium Difficile)
Community Medicine
Faecal Pathogens
General Bacteriology
Genital pathogens
MRSA Screening
Mycobacteria Culture
Syphilis Serology
Urinary Antigens
C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae
CMV DNA Quantification
EBV DNA Quantification
HBV DNA Quantification
Hepatitis C RNA Detection
HIV 1 RNA Quantification
Molecular Detection Mycobacteria
Molecular detection of HEV RNA
Molecular Detection of HPV
Molecular Detection of Respiratory Viruses
Molecular Detection of SARS-CoV-2
Molecular Detection of Viruses in CSF
Viral Gastroenteritis
Antifungal Susceptibility
Cryptococcal antigen detection
Fungal Biomarkers
Anti-HBs detection
Blood Borne Viruses
Blood Donor Screen
Diagnostic Serology: hepatitis screen
Hepatitis B Serology
Hepatitis C Serology
Hepatitis E detection
HIV Point of Care
HIV Serology
Immunity Screen
Measles and Mumps IgG Serology
Parvovirus B19 and Rubella Serology
Respiratory Rapid: RSV
Rubella IgG Serology
Virus identification
Contact Details
- UK NEQAS for Microbiology
- UK Health Security Agency
- PO Box 63003
- London
- NW9 5HT
- Telephone: +44 (0) 208 905 9890
- Fax: +44 (0) 208 205 1488
- Email: organiser@ukneqasmicro.org.uk
- Web: http://www.ukneqasmicro.org.uk/
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Parasitology was founded in 1986 by Professor Peter Chiodini at Department of Clinical Parasitology at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London. In 1986 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Parasitology. UK NEQAS for Parasitology is hosted by Public Health England. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Contact Details
- The Halo
- 1 Mabledon Place
- London
- WC1H 9AZ
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Reproductive Science was founded in 1993 at the Department of Andrology, Saint Mary's Hospital, Manchester. In 2010 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Reproductive Science. UK NEQAS for Reproductive Science is part of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Contact Details
- UK NEQAS Reproductive Science
- Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
- Department of Reproductive Medicine
- Old St. Mary's Hospital
- Oxford Road
- Manchester
- M13 9WL
Reproductive Science
About this centre
The External Quality Assessment Scheme for Trace Elements was founded in 1978 by Dr Andrew Taylor at Royal Surrey County Hospital. In 1990 the Service became known as the UK National External Quality Assessment Service for Trace Elements. UK NEQAS for Trace Elements is part of the Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. For the most up-to-date scheme information (including any pilot schemes) please contact the centre directly.Programmes
Aluminium in Water/Dialysis Fluid (Educational)
Copper and Iron in Solid Martices e.g. Liver (Educational)
Lead, Cadmium, Manganese, Arsenic, Magnesium, Mercury, Zinc, Selenium, Thallium, Chromium and Cobalt in Blood
Mercury, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Chromium, Cobalt, Arsenic, Lead, Manganese, Nickel, Thallium and Selenium in Urine
Zinc, Copper, Aluminium, Selenium, Chromium and Cobalt in Serum
Contact Details
- UK NEQAS for Trace Elements
- Clinical Laboratory
- Royal Surrey Hospital
- Egerton Road
- Guildford
- GU2 7XX